A new oral history with lifelong
Judy Garland fans Andrea, Sean, & Devlyn

Three lifelong Judy Garland fans show off their collections, and discuss what it is about Judy that connects with them as queers.

When Andrea was a kid in the 1960s, she collected Judy Garland news clippings. Why was she so obsessed? And why do so many queer people gravitate toward Judy, and even form community around her? We discuss it all as we peruse Andrea’s Judy scrapbook, which I recently restored for her, along with our sister-in-Judy Sean. 

Andrea tells her story of coming out in Greenwich Village, waking up the next morning to hear Judy had died, and attending Judy’s funeral the same week she was present at the Stonewall Riots. Learn more about the 1969 Stonewall riots, as discussed in Andrea’s interview, on the Queer Serial podcast episode pages by clicking here: Part 1 & Part 2. Sean talks about discovering Judy as a kid and how his collection has grown over the decades to rival any Garland museum. We all talk about visiting Judy’s graves, and how we first met in Judy’s childhood home in Grand Rapids, Minnesota on her 100th birthday. 

Listen to the interview while looking through the scrapbook with us in the YouTube video below, or just listen to the audio on Patreon, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify

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Thanks for watching this very special episode! And thanks to Andrea & Sean for sharing their stories.

Devlyn Camp

Happy LGBTQ+ History Month! 


Friends of Judy
Listen to the interview & explore the scrapbook in this video:

Andrea’s scrapbook,
created throughout the 1960s & restored in 2023

Judy day at Sean’s, June 2023

Preserving the scrapbook

Sisters-in-Judy Sean & Andrea

Judy Garland’s 100th birthday
at the Judy Garland Museum & her childhood home in Grand Rapids, MN in 2022

Judy Garland paint books from Sean’s collection,
discussed during the interview

Judy’s grave at Hollywood Forever