"It's like Serial for LGBT history."
SAGE, the world's oldest and largest non-profit agency dedicated to serving LGBT elders

"Spectacularly compelling and informative...
artful and heartfelt work."
Chicago Tribune

“Camp enlivens each episode with witty and thoughtful commentary beyond the storyline, connecting dots between major historical themes and present-day events.”

Pride Month to see second season of 'Queer Serial' podcast: May 19, 2020

‘Queer Serial's podcasts cover more LGBT history: May 30, 2020

'Queer Serial' podcast begins final season: April 13, 2021

“One of the most powerful things I’ve ever heard.”
After Hours with Rick Kogan,
June 28, 2020

"Devlyn Camp has produced what I consider one of the most remarkable listening experiences I have recently had... A compelling and lively history lesson. A remarkable job."
After Hours with Rick Kogan,
March 26, 2018

"It's fitting that writer Devlyn Camp chose to podcast the story of the Mattachine...
Like the majority of queer history, the movement's inception took place deep in the closet—muffled and through word of mouth, relying on people operating outside conventional media networks… As a medium, the podcast totally falls in with this legacy."
Chicago Reader

"The series illustrates the importance of LGBT history by spotlighting a crucial point in the modern gay rights movement... at a time when, once again, their rights and existence are being threatened."
Windy City Times

"Our newest suggestion is Mattachine...

It guarantees more intrigue than your typical history lesson, uncovering issues that our community still struggles with today... Get ready for some drama!"

"The Mattachine podcast is one of the best podcasts we’ve listened to. Not only is it well-researched and immaculately produced, it goes into the stories about the foundation of modern LGBTQ activism — both where we’ve been and where we’re going."

OUT Chicago interview about season 1 of the podcast!
WCPT 820


“Still recovering from the disaster that was Roland Emmerich’s Stonewall? We might have the antidote.”

“Joey Cain, a longtime gay San Francisco resident who's a Mattachine Society expert, said in a phone interview that he wasn't familiar with the podcast.”
Bay Area Reporter


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